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WIRL 1.1
Category VRML Browser Netscape Navigator plug-in or Microsoft Internet Explorer Active-X control
Type Free
Platforms Win95
Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher
VRML Support VRML 1.0 (see Notes)
Folder wirl
Information See the VREAM web site, and information installed with the product. Also see the interactive installer: wirl/setup.exe
Installation Win95 Be sure you're not running Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer while installing WIRL.

Run the demonstration environment in the file wirl/setup.exe and select an installation option for Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Comments VREAM WIRL is a VRML for use as a plug-in with Netscape Navigator, or as an Active-X control in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Using WIRL, you can browse the Web and view VRML files within the Netscape or Internet Explorer document window, or embedded in a document page.

Notes The version of VREAM WIRL included on this CD-ROM only supports viewing VRML 1.0 files. It cannot view VRML 2.0 files (yet), such as those discussed in The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook.

WIRL is provided on this CD-ROM so that you may try out its features in this version, then look forward to a forthcoming version that supports VRML 2.0. You are encouraged to check the Web site for VREAM to obtain information on future versions of WIRL, and other VREAM software.

WIRL 1.1 Textures
Category Texture Images
Type Sampler
Platforms Any
VRML Support N/A
Folder textures
Information The folder contains a set of sample JPEG texture images that are supplied with the WIRL application.
Installation N/A
Comments VREAM WIRL comes with a set of example worlds and JPEG textures that you can use to texture map your shapes. This is a nice added value provided by VREAM and one we have highlighted by placing a copy of the textures in the textures folder.

Product description copyright (c) 1997, Ames / Nadeau / Moreland.
Product material copyright (c) 1996, VREAM, Inc. All rights reserved.
VREAM is a registered trademark of VREAM, Inc.
VRCreator and WIRL are trademarks of VREAM, Inc.